
Pop-up beach bars and dumpster pool parties belie the undercurrent of vibrant energy that is 切罗基Street. 远离无所不在的郊区庇护所, Cherokee street reflects an infusion of family-owned businesses and creative people who fully embrace the beatnik vibe that emanates. 事实上,他们创造了它.
艺术空间, 空格, 店面, 公园, 建筑物的侧面,甚至人行道都是艺术家们的画布, 音乐家和吃东西的居民, 玩, 工作, 在切诺基街附近创造和生活. The fluctuating and energetic beat of the district is reflected daily on Facebook (CherokeeStreeUSA)、Instagram (CherokeeStreet)和每周的街头十大真人网赌平台 CherokeeStreetNews.com). 这里的生活在不断变化.
切罗基街 is located approximately a seven-minute drive from downtown St. 路易. 它的商业重要性开始于19世纪的最后十年th 世纪以来,由于新的电动有轨电车线路的便利. Two branch lines of the Union Depot Railroad Company crossed at Cherokee and California Avenue creating a ready-made group of potential shoppers who attracted the first merchants, 标志着商业区的开始. 这条一英里长的街道位于格拉沃瓦和莱姆普之间, crosses Jefferson Avenue and divides four neighborhoods — Benton Park West, Gravois公园, 本顿公园和滨海别墅. 街道上有大量的停车位和停车场.
你到了那里就知道了. 一个20英尺高的印第安人雕塑, 位于切罗基和杰斐逊路口, 在它所有庄严的奇迹中欢迎游客. 在这一点上,切诺基漫步开始了. 左边是古董街, a half-mile of antique and vintage clothing shops that have been in business for decades and cater to the quirky, surprise-me-type购物者. 搅拌面包店, 一个可持续的面包店, 泥屋咖啡和厨房让游客们吃满了纸杯蛋糕, 饼干, 吉, 饼干和肉汁, 还有厚厚的自制法式吐司. Head across Jefferson to the other side of 切罗基街, where art and food take center stage.
Paint splattered sidewalks are brilliant leave-behinds by artists showcasing their 工作 at the many art galleries and incubators spaces. 壁画, 绘画和版画占据了大多数店面的橱窗空间, all housed in two- and three-storied historical brick buildings built in the 1900s. 艺术工作室, 画廊和创意孵化器为所有类型的艺术提供了空间, 很多东西只要从窗户里看就能看到. 星云,十大最大的网络真人平台的第一个合作办公空间就在这里.
啤酒 aficionados might think they’ve tasted it all until they come across Earthbound Brewery, 建在古老的啤酒洞穴上,可以追溯到禁酒令之前的日子. 板着脸, 试着点毛茸茸的泡菜, 鸡和华夫饼金发还是派对上酒保给你的. Or, create your own take-home six-pack with one-of-a-kind beers at the STL Hop 商店.
隔着几扇门的宣传店,顾客每晚10点就喝一杯.m. -准确无误. The “Hey Norm” Cheers-style Whiskey Ring is a bar that encourages a familial atmosphere, 与此同时,这里还供应着来自世界各地的威士忌. 在果汁店,你可以选择普通或含酒精的果汁. 太强大? 在Tea Topia品尝世界各地50多种茶中的一种, whose address reads like a Harry Potter station platform — 2619-1/2 Cherokee — because it’s housed in half a building and measures about 10 feet in width. 最后在圣劳伦斯的棕榈树酒店结束这个夜晚. 路易’ only Saudi Arabian Restaurant that serves Arabian coffee and dates with every meal.
或者,漫步在. 切罗基街 has the largest concentration of Latino owned and operated 面包店、餐馆、商店和杂货店 在十大最大的网络真人平台斯和他们的存在创造了充满活力的气氛. 四家面包店和九家餐馆供应成堆的玉米饼, 蛋糕, helados, 还有整天的调色板, 只是彼此之间的脚步声. 两家墨西哥杂货店满足了人们的任何渴望. At Diana’s bakery, no donut, pastry or chicahuates is smaller than a saucer plate. 那些一天不吃甜食的人有祸了. 让你的味蕾兴奋起来,点一只大象耳朵, 或manoplas, 蘸了巧克力的黄油饼干,看起来像, 你猜对了, 耳朵某种动物的耳朵. Or, try one of the humongous portions of the sweet Guava Taco, Borrachos, or Trainagulo de Queso.
在街上漫步, 花时间和店主和居民聊天, 他们都很高兴能成为这条街道的非官方导游, 提供有关该地区历史和建筑传说的有趣事实, 以及在哪里吃饭的建议, 喝酒和跳舞. Or, take your own architectural tour and follow the historical placards on the buildings.
在花卉和杂草,一个花园绿洲,顾客可以漫步在植物之间. 请店主帮忙准备一束鲜花带走. Neighborhood prides shines through at the STL Style House where every conceivable St. 路易-branded apparel item and poster can be found, including the official St. 路易国旗. 同卵双胞胎和十大最大的网络真人平台斯发电机STL风格业主, 杰夫和兰迪·瓦因斯, 他们为自己的家乡感到自豪吗, 还能帮你找到完美的纪念品.
Listen as you walk — the majority of restaurants and bars pipe their music out onto the street providing a daylong festive atmosphere. 在任何给定时间, step into one of the many bars or live music venues and listen to anything from hip-hop and jazz to Irish and swing. 想象你自己的声音? 试试泡沫咖啡馆(Foam)的开放麦克之夜吧,那里是咖啡师的天堂. 你的脚很好? Casa Loma舞厅提供各种各样的舞蹈课程.
Art, music and food merge frequently at the bevy of festivals held on 切罗基街. 现在已经是第16个年头了 五月五日节:切诺基街头节日, 绘制超过50幅,000名观众和三个阶段的现场音乐, 地道的食物和饮料, 孩子友好活动, 艺术品和商品,还有将近100个卖家. Other events include 切罗基街 History Fair (May); Fiestas Patrias, or Mexican Independence Festival (September); Pu Fest (September); Nevermore Jazz Festival and 切罗基街 Jazz Crawl (November); Cherokee Print Bazaar (Dec. 2); and the Cherokee Antique Row Cookie Spree (Dec. 2-3).
每年4月, 低保真的切罗基, 由电影制作人比尔·斯特里特于2012年构思, features 18 local bands and solo acts from new unknowns to veterans of the scene who 玩 stripped-down version of their songs. Streeter and a series of production crews move from one location to the next capturing audio and video of the performances in the span of a single day. 活动免费.
今年5月, IndiHop 切罗基街和格罗夫街是一对, a nearby neighborhood in which participants can sample up to 50 different types of locally made brews inside 50 different venues in both neighborhoods. 享受各种各样的现场音乐家的娱乐.
在你漫步, you’ll note that giving back to the community is a must for these residents and business owners, 他们用他们最擅长的东西把它提升到一个新的层次——艺术, 食物和音乐. 一些非营利组织包括:为人民的钢琴, which connects people who need pianos with pianos that need people; Bridge Bread is a social enterprise bakery that provides supportive employment for people without safe and stable housing; and 切罗基街 Reach is a youth arts and leadership program.
准备好放松了吗? Love Bank Park gives one a chance to unwind with its artfully colored picnic tables, 临时的篮球场, 画在人行道上的扭扭乐游戏, 甚至跳房子. Bonfires there provide a natural gathering space for residents and patrons alike.
至于快闪海滩酒吧和垃圾箱泳池派对? Those were do-it-yourself events developed on a whim by local proprietors; every year brings new ideas.
- 1906年,弗雷德·韦伦伯格在切罗基街开设了他的第一家电影院.
- The Casa Loma Ballroom opened in 1940; prior to that is was the Show Boat Dance Hall.
- Earliest of the variety “five and ten cent” stores in the area was that of F.W. 伍尔沃斯,1919年开业.
- C. 1946年佩妮在切罗基街开了他们的店.
- 该地区的其他老字号商户还有道家具公司(Dau Furniture Company), 西部汽车供应公司和沃尔格林药店.
纪念墨西哥宣布脱离西班牙独立, the 切罗基街 Latino Business Owners Association celebrates the national holiday of Mexican Independence Day in September. This two-day annual festival brings Mexican and Mexican-American communities together as they celebrate the rich heritage, 历史, 以及他们为独立而战的墨西哥祖先的文化.
每年, hundreds of people turn up for the Cherokee Print League Holiday Sale to mosey along the historic shopping district and purchase the printed wares of local artists. 在12月的第一个星期六举行, Cherokee Print League Holiday Sale is one of the largest print sales in the Midwest, 展示本地及地区艺术家.