
当安托万和朱莉·索拉德到达圣. 1770年,路易为西班牙国王测量土地, 250年后,他们不知道, St. 路易ans would still be shopping for fresh produce at the outdoor market they established — on the two blocks of land they donated to the community—the city’s first grocery store, 可以这么说.
今天, Soulard市场是这个社区的基石, drawing hundreds of thousands of visitors and tourists each year to bargain for that most exotic spice or cut of fresh meat, 或者偶尔养个宠物. Vendors hawk their wares, creating an old-style ambiance unique to days gone by. 邻近的公园有一个游乐场和一个20世纪20年代的演奏台.
Nestled between the Anheuser-Busch brewery to the south, and the market to the North, Soulard is St. 路易’ first established neighborhood– and unlike any that have come since. Its brewing heritage, built on the immigrant migration of the 1800s, is on prominent display. 移民, 主要的德国, 东欧和爱尔兰后裔, were drawn to the area by the limestone caves and water supply that were so desirable for brewing and storing beer. 值得一提的是,到1859年,苏拉德的人口达到了13.1万人.
The faintest aroma of hops permeates the morning air of this National Historic District. 今天, 将近40条, restaurants and quirky shops that are scattered throughout the narrow tree-lined streets, 都住在有几百年历史的两层砖房里. 每一座都有一个精致的户外庭院, 露台或人行道区,从那里享受设施. 餐厅和酒吧的风味不同于卡津人, 墨西哥和意大利, 体育, 蓝调和杜松子酒酒吧, 等.

历史意义, the area plays host to the city’s oldest church (Saints Peter and Paul Catholic Church), the oldest building (Hammerstone’s) and for the brave — several haunted houses, 包括黑暗, 位于前威尔士婴儿车工厂附近. The building that Hammerstone’s is in dates back to pre-Prohibition days in the 1800s. 虽然它并不总是一个酒吧, 该建筑已经作为一个药店向公众开放, 餐厅和, 在禁酒时期, 传说中的盗版酒吧. Make sure to ask the owners about the bar’s ghost stories when you visit.
And speaking of houses – Soulard’s diversity in architecture reflects its living history – free-standing homes (French Second Empire), 前维多利亚时期的联邦式排屋, 巷子里的房子和罕见而独特的半比目鱼房子.
Red brick is everywhere; the patterns and designs of the brick, 事实上, draws the eye to the tops of the buildings that feature decorative cornices and korbles. 受到了法国人的影响19th century architecture also features the second-story wrought iron balconies that adorn so many of the residences, 业务和教堂.
During the holidays guests can tour the bedecked parlors of these beautifully restored homes on the Historic Soulard House Tour. 有香味的蜡烛和真正的冷杉和松枝为气氛增色不少. Attendees are chauffeured from house to house in heated shuttle buses.
在夏天, 6月,业主们举办了“Soulard艺术花园之旅”(Soulard Art in the Garden Tour), 带着客人在花园中散步, 讨论绿色的灵感, 它们背后的思想和历史. One can also witness a local artist creating a work of art inspired by the garden they are in.
Neighborhood establishments have collected a bevy of awards including: Bogart’s Smokehouse (Daily Meal’s “America’s Best Ribs” list); funky lunch joint Capitalist Pig BBQ (“The 100 Best Barbecue Restaurants in America”), located in the former Third District Police Station; The Porch (“Best Gift 商店”); John D. McGurk 's Irish Pub(“St. 路易”); and Sidney Street Café (James Beard award-winning chef, Kevin Nashan).
等等,十大彩票网赌平台是不是忘了什么? Fast forward to winter – this little historic community knows how to throw a 世界-renowned party. For modern day revelers, the area plays host to the third largest Mardi Gras Festival in the 世界. 庆祝活动于1月1日开始. 6、又称12th 夜晚(圣诞节后的12天), 在油腻星期二的时候举办一场巨大的活动, 包括家庭嘉年华, 雪球垒球锦标赛, 酒 & 威士忌的味道, 法人后裔爆燃, Soulard的味道, 酒吧到处都是,当然, 主要的事件, 大游行的一天.
这是壮观的狂欢节大游行, 吸引了成千上万的人, 包括100多个浮点数, 狂欢节krewe, 印第安人的音乐, 大量的飓风, 和珠子, 珠子,更多的珠子. 有轨电车从市中心的几个十大最大的网络彩票平台斯拒绝了Soulard. 如果你想待在聚会的中心, 这个社区有几个提供住宿和早餐的地方, 但你至少要计划在一年内预订这些书.
别忘了带宠物来参加狂欢节. One of the more unique Mardi Gras events is the Krewe of Barkus Pet Parade, 被吉尼斯世界纪录认证为世界上最大的. 全城的狗都在街上游行, 大部分人都穿着紫色的衣服, 绿色和金色的服装. Make sure to bring your camera – you’ll not see anything like this anywhere else. Dog treats are tossed to participants from the historic row house balconies. Held the Sunday before the Grand Parade, the event even includes a Weiner Dog Derby.
其他的年度庆祝活动包括Soulard音乐会系列, which showcases some of the city’s finest Blues bands May through August. 在7月, Soulard celebrates its French history with several Bastille Day events, as well as hosts watch parties during World Naked Bike Ride – St. 路易. 接下来是索尔拉德啤酒节, which is held the second weekend in October; get out your lederhosen and knickers – you won’t be the only one.
在任何一个夜晚, the STL BarCycle’s pedaling bar crawl is a great option for family reunions, 公司郊游或只是和朋友一起玩. 很多人骑着自行车在苏拉德地区四处走动. 最受欢迎的站点包括:Joanie’s, 1860沙龙(Best in St. 路易斯布鲁斯音乐),纳丁和杜克的运动酒吧.
Residents and visitors also enjoy an endless section of entertainment year-round, 包括国际龙头屋的精酿啤酒, oysters and crawfish on the beautifully-landscaped patio at Molly’s in Soulard, 在Sweet Divine做自制纸杯蛋糕, McGurk 's的爱尔兰炖菜, 还有Chavas墨西哥餐厅的蓝莓味玛格丽塔. 酒吧爬行也经常在整个社区举行, with many of them benefiting awareness of local organizations; usually, the participating bars and restaurants offer discounts to Pub Crawl participants. On the music front, Soulard offers some of the city’s best jazz, blues, folk and rock music options. 欲十大最大的网络彩票平台更多信息,请访问
有几个公园, 包括Soulard社区花园, provide the green space needed for relaxation between all these festivities. Pontiac Square Park, named for an Ottowan chief involved in the British & 18世纪50年代的印第安冲突, 这里是威廉·斯腾普夫啤酒厂的原址吗, 现在是安海斯-布希公司. 这个公园以地滚球而闻名, 踢球, 足球和垒球联盟, 还有电影之夜和便餐. The neighborhood’s community garden co-op sprang from a weed and rubble-filled vacant lot into a vibrant space for the neighbors to grow food, 鲜花和水果. 目前有24个个人和8个“床位”.”
The Frenchtown Dog Park of one of the largest green spaces in St. 在路易斯,狗可以自由奔跑. The dog park is also the site for many two- and four-legged social events. And don’t be surprised to see residents pulling up to these festivities in their golf carts, 这是当地人非常常见的交通方式.
Thanks to these locals – the modern day rehab pioneers — who have worked to revitalize the splendor of Soulard’s past, 该社区获得了几个显著的奖项:
- 国家历史名胜名录(1972年)
- 历史街区的十大最大的网络彩票平台(1975)
- 美国国家保护区社区(美国仅有的104个社区之一).S.; 2008)
- 2010 Dozen Distinctive Destinations by the National Trust of Historic Preservation
So come to Soulard where you can live history – and have a blast doing so.